This one day workshop seeks to explore the nature of the collection and its role in Book History.
The Book of Job with Linocut Images
Salvaging the Doves Press Type
Valentine's Cards
The Winterbourne Press
The Winter Wayzgoose
The James P. Danky Fellowship
Wapping at 30
Unjustified Lines
British Women's Writing between 1930 and 1960
The period of women’s literary history between 1930 and 1960 is beginning to receive the closer attention of literary scholars, feminists and cultural historians. It is a period characterised in many ways by the prefix ‘re’; emblematic of the persistent impulse for re-evaluation of women’s writing that occupies an uncertain, liminal place in relation to the canon.
British and Irish Print Networks CFP
In the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, Ireland became increasingly integrated within a British economic and political space. After 1801, Ireland formed part of the United Kingdom and it supplied both food and labour power to industrialising Britain. The same pattern appears in the domain of print...