The History of the Printed Image Network

The History of the Printed Image Network (HoPIN) is a new (Autumn 2020) network for anyone interested in the history of printed images, including, but not limited to, artistic prints, book illustration, chapbooks, ballad-sheets, maps, photographs, transfer-prints, etc.

Online events will be arranged from time to time and other means of communicating informally within the network are being explored. There is no charge for membership or for online events. The network, which is part of the Centre for Printing History and Culture – a joint venture of Birmingham City University and the University of Birmingham – is open to anyone interested in printed images: academics, curators, printmakers and other practitioners, in fact anyone with an interest in the field.

The only limitation is that HoPIN focuses on the history of the printed image rather than current practice, except of course where practice is informed by historical awareness.

Launch event is scheduled Monday 30 November 2020. All welcome.

To join HoPIN, email the network co-ordinator:
