Call for chapter: Print and Tourism

Call for chapters: Print and Tourism, edited by Dr John Hinks (Birmingham City University) and Dr Catherine Armstrong (Loughborough University)

This edited collection of essays, a ‘Print Networks’ volume, part of the Centre for Printing History & Culture (CPHC) series, published by Peter Lang Ltd, will cover various aspects of print for tourists. We invite essays on topics such as those listed below, the emphasis throughout being on the production, distribution, and consumption of such items.

Papers should consider any of the following aspects of the British book trades and their regional, national, and international networks: technology, typography and design; the people, printers, publishers and distribution networks involved; pricing and sales; buyers and readers.

Please note:

  • Contributions on all periods of print from early modern to the present are welcome.

  • We are happy to consider offers from PhD students and independent scholars as well as established academics.

  • Chapters offered must be original work which has not been previously published.

Proposals for chapters (of between 6,000 and 8,000 words) on aspects of the following or other related topics are welcome:

  • Guide-books and maps

  • Visitor attraction leaflets

  • Prints and postcards

  • Travel information (train and bus timetables, etc.)

  • Advertisements and flyers

  • Printed souvenir ware

  • Other related ephemera

Abstracts (c.300 words) accompanied by a brief biography (c.50 words) should be submitted as a Word document attached to an email to Dr Catherine Armstrong: by 1 March 2022. Decisions will be notified during April.